I recently finished a major redesign of my site. I had a lot of fun designing and building this new version and got a chance to experiment a ton with new things.

Goodbye, Images

One thing that I'm thrilled about is the very small number of images that are used in the design. Instead, almost everything (aside from a couple of backgrounds and some icons) is made using CSS3. This has a couple of benefits, one being that there are less images to load. Secondly, I don't have to worry about how my images look on hi-res devices like my iPhone 4.


Speaking of iPhones, my site is now using @media queries to change the layout based on the size of your browser window. I first heard Ethan Marcotte talk about using media queries to create a "responsive" website that adjusts its design to suit any sized screen.

They're actually really easy to use. Say, for example, I wanted my site to have a black background if the viewport was less than 500 pixels. All I would have to do is enter this code into the CSS:

@media screen and (max-width: 499px) {
    body {
        background-color: #000;

It's that easy. Before, I had considered creating a completely different stylesheet for mobile browsers. I have to say, though, using @media is a lot easier. It also works for desktop-based browsers, which is awesome.


On top of some of the new visual changes to the site, I've also shifted the design so that the focus is more on my blog. I stripped away a lot of the more social-related things (like links in the footer) and gave the site a more consistent feel throughout to make it feel more like a blog.

Also, on top of traditional commenting, I've added another way for visitors to provide feedback more quickly. I added little heart buttons to each post which you can click to let me know you like a post. I have to admit, these were inspired by Facebook's like buttons.

Check it out

Go ahead and check out the rest of the site. I'm very happy with the way it turned out. Any feedback is always welcome.

0 Cool post, man.